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Connaught Formula1 drivers
list of drivers in Formula One with Connaught

Connaught Formula1 drivers

DriverRace entriesVictoriesPolesPodiumsFastesLapsIn pointsPoints
Andre Pilette 1
Archie Scott-Brown 1
Bill Whitehouse 1
Birabongse Bhanudej 3
Bob Said 1
Dennis Poore 2 1 3
Desmond Titterington 1
Don Beauman 1
Eric Thompson 1 1 2
Ian Stewart 1
Ivor Bueb 2
Jack Fairman 5 2 5
John Riseley-Prichard 1
Johnny Claes 4
Ken Downing 2
Kenneth McAlpine 7
Les Leston 1
Leslie Marr 2
Leslie Thorne 1
Peter Walker 1
Piero Scotti 1
Ron Flockhart 1 1 1 4
Roy Salvadori 5
Stirling Moss 2
Stuart Lewis-Evans 1 1 3
Tony Rolt 2